Every problem introduces you to who you are as a person – your integrity, morals and professionalism, or lack thereof, and broadcasts through the Universe to those who are connected to the outcome of your decisions
ShirLee McGarry 07/05/2017
Happiness is not something you put off for the future: it is something you create and embrace today!
ShirLee McGarry 3-20-2017
The strength and makings of a great leader is humility simply said, humility is the art of listening, being transparent, awareness of your own limitations, and appreciating others strengths and contributions. It is only obtained after taking the journey into the very heart of who they are
ShirLee McGarry 8/16/2014
Writing can sometimes be a lonely world while you are as one with your characters. Working day in and day out to diligently resolve their conflicts, grieving with them over temporary setbacks, or cheering
their successes is a full-time endeavor. It’s like sharing an out-of-body experience as they progress, with or without your approval, filling blank pages with their story.
ShirLee McGarry 1-29-2017
If we wait for the moment for everything to be absolutely perfect, we shall never begin
ShirLee McGarry 10/28/2014
Tell me I can’t, I’ll show you I can. Tell me I Won’t, I’ll show you I will. Tell me it’s impossible, I’ll show you it’s more than possible.
ShirLee McGarry 9/19/2015
Sometimes you just have to be creative and do whatever it takes beyond the norm to achieve success!
ShirLee McGarry 10/06/2015
No manipulation of words will change the fact that truth is truth, regardless of other’s disbelief, ignorance or lack of understanding
ShirLee McGarry 10/15/2015
Believing in your solution, leads to the solution
ShirLee McGarry 10-30-2015
The Universe, much like a woman who is always combating an internal war with herself whether real or imagined, likewise seems to undergo constant, dramatic changes due to internal and external environmental hierarchy for survival of the fittest
ShirLee McGarry 11-10-2015
I am a very rich woman. Not with money but with love and family
ShirLee McGarry 12-01-2015
People can be likened to candles. In an instant, a breeze can snuff it out, so enjoy the light while you have it.
ShirLee McGarry 12-10-2015
If you do not have goals, you are doomed forever to work for those who do.
ShirLee McGarry 04-05-2016
It’s funny when you think about it how everything and anything can change in an instant. From death to life. From empty to full. From Darkness to light.
ShirLee McGarry 05/03/2014
As my eyes drift to the heavens, faraway through the sunshine lies my highest aspirations through the imagination of my mind. Since I set high expectations for myself, I know I might not reach them all but I can open my eyes and see their beauty, hope, and beliefs, and always without doubt or hesitation, follow where they lead.
ShirLee McGarry 04/26/2014
Above all writing genre, to have the ability to organize minimal powerful words into poetic form reaching far and wide with understanding is a noteworthy talent
ShirLee McGarry 1/30/2014
I love to write. It takes me away to another magical place, a place beyond the here and now, a place sometimes scary, dreadful, painful, or sometimes a place full of excitement, happiness, love & hope. It is a place that I strongly feel I belong, very possibly much more so than what is considered the normal world. After all, what’s normal?
ShirLee McGarry 04/07/2013
For a Writer, Thoughts lead to ideas, Ideas lead to action, Action leads to the written word… there is no Thought, Idea, Action or Word that hasn’t been written before. It is a writer’s challenge to create an original masterpiece that stands out above all others with the combination of a new arrangement and understanding of the words
ShirLee McGarry 02/12/2013
I won’t justify my writing endeavors as an author in fiction. You can either accept or reject my fiction writing and the good I’m trying to do in drawing from age-worn life events with imaginary people to help others, or you can not be a part of the life I’m trying to build.
ShirLee McGarry 11/15/2012
I have never understood how certain personal, religious beliefs by some family members can completely alienate the blood line father or mother, in the matter of divorce, from the family as a whole, excluding them their rightful place and replacing them with step-people who have a tendency to be replaced on a regular basis and saying that they are no longer a member of the greater cause. Ah….yes, all is well in Zion!
ShirLee McGarry 08/14/2012
Today I will take a time out from my real world, as I know it, with all its interesting quirks, chaos and challenges.
ShirLee McGarry 06/05/2012
I am now entering my world of fiction where anything goes, to connect with the imaginary of what can be, might be, could never be, or perhaps adding all the ‘what ifs,’ and ‘why not’ adding conflict towards a riveting or surprise ending.
ShirLee McGarry 09/02/2011
Interestingly enough, creating fictional plots and characters, they too in their fictional world take on strong personalities, struggling in an imaginary world full of interesting quirks, chaos and challenges. Whatever path or voice the character chooses; I put their story to pen.
ShirLee McGarry 05/20/2011
You will be able to help and be an inspiration to others if you don’t have control of your own selfworth.
ShirLee McGarry 01/12/2011
Life is too short to spend it trying to fix everyone else. It never works!
ShirLee McGarry 10/06/2010
You will be able to do great things when you know and truly understand that all you really have and can control is your own life. Everything else is second to that.
ShirLee McGarry 06/12/2010
We all have 86,400 seconds each day. What you do with them is totally up to you. Make them count!
ShirLee McGarry 01/01/2010
How does one begin to tell a story of timeless, mirrored memories vibrating o spiral pathways throughout the universe?
ShirLee McGarry 07/01/2007